
Flash Drive is a not-for-profit registered charity. We understand and respect the need for proper corporate governance.

Our Board meets monthly and consists of people from across the Ballarat Community who have been brought together by a desire to make technology accessible for all members of our society.

Our dedicated staff and volunteers share common values and work with all stakeholders to create a positive experience for anyone who interacts with Flash Drive. All of our staff and volunteers undergo background checks and have up to date Working With Children Certificates.

We are an independent organisation and not affiliated with any other community groups or not-for-profits.

Our Vision

To be a reputable and sustainable non-profit community enterprise that empowers individuals to reconnect socially with the community by providing an innovative, supportive and engaging IT and eWaste management learning environment.

Our Values

Community Leadership
Environmental stewardship
Social inclusion
Personal learning and growth
Sustainable business practice

Our Board of Management

Flash Drive is an Incorporated Association governed by a Board of Management.

Mark Miitel

Deputy Chair
Nick Bruyn

Vicky Lowe

Naomi Eddy

Other Board Members
Sandi Murphy
Jamie Rundell

Business Manager Pippa and IT Technician Peter complete our team.

If you are interested in joining our Board, or volunteering for Flash Drive, please give us a call or contact us by email.